Hello, lovelies! My name is Triasha. I’m 22-years-old and live in Atlanta, Georgia. I started this blog right after graduating high school in 2016, and have been documenting my life here ever since. Since then, I’ve graduated college (during a pandemic), traveled to 18 countries, read hundreds of books, and have slowly figured out adulthood (whatever that means). Here on Making My Way, you’ll find tips on surviving college, personal growth, traveling, money, books, movies, and anything else that pertains to life.

You can read more about me here. I hope you stick around.

//Check Out The Latest Posts//

New York City In One Day

New York City is one of those places that is on almost EVERYONE’S bucket list.…

August Goals

I truly can’t believe it’s August already. I remember being in middle school thinking that…

The Soon-To-Be Senior’s Guide To Senior Year

Senior year is one of the most exhausting, stressful, but exciting years of high school.…

8 Ways To Reduce Stress (As A Student)

Today, my friend Stellah from Fiercely Living is guest posting. As I’ve mentioned before, we…

How To Create A Memory Box and What’s in Mine

The (Soon-To-Be) College Student’s Guide To Freshman Orientation

So I had freshman orientation a few weeks ago. Because of that, I decided to…


Places I’m Going This Month | July 2016 Travel Plans

As I have mentioned before, I am doing a lot of traveling this month. (I’m…

July Goals

So every month, I plan on writing my monthly goals, so that I can be…

The First-Timer’s Guide To The Renaissance Festival

So I went to the Renaissance Festival a few weeks ago. It’s become a summer…