My June Goals | 2019 Powersheets


Hello, lovelies! After coming back from Europe, my aunt visited from Bangladesh and I spent time with a bunch of people, so monthly goals were the last thing on my mind. Now that I’ve gotten over the jetlag, here are my goals for the last two weeks of June. I hope you enjoy.

//How I Did In May//

  • Finish schoolwork and move out by May 3rd – I did pack up all my stuff and move out by May 3rd, but I did not finish my work by then. I actually finished my last paper while I was in Paris (It was due on the 13th, so I turned it in on time), so this goal wasn’t complete in a timely manner.
  • Make 2 Trip Folders – Complete. I decided to just make one for my parents. All the information I needed was saved on my phone and organized in an app.
  • Pack Bags & Download Entertainment – I actually managed to do this in a timely manner. Normally, I leave packing until the day before.
  • Finish 5 Books – Complete. Reading on the trip was easier than I thought it would be. I mainly listened to audiobooks on the bus ride to other countries.
  • Stay Healthy While Traveling – Complete. If half my meals weren’t provided by the tour I took, I would not have been nearly as healthy. The only reason I ate enough vegetables and drank green tea was that it was provided to me. I also walked 25,000+ steps every day, which is why all the rich food didn’t affect my health as much.
  • Publish Travel Diaries On Blog – Nope. I did write them and the next blog post you read will be my first travel diary, so stay tuned. I barely blogged during my trip because I was enjoying myself too much and fell asleep by the time I got back to the hostel every night.
Rome, Italy

//June Goals//

//Publish 8 Blog Posts

The goal is eight, but it may end up being seven. I’ve already written three and the plan is to publish three this week and three next week. The thing is that my internship is starting and I don’t know how much time that will take up and my family is going to Savannah next weekend. We’ll see how it goes.

//Establish A Routine

I’ve been feeling kind of lethargic lately because I haven’t been doing anything. This is pretty normal for me during the summer. I thrive on a full schedule, but since returning from the trip I’ve mostly been watching television and taking naps. That was great the first week, but now I’m bored. Thankfully, I’ve been waking up early every day. That’s a habit I want to keep up. Now that I will be working regular hours, I can block out my days for other things like blogging and working out.

//Upload Travel Photos To Facebook

They’re already on my computer. I just have to go through and organize them.

//Get A Gym Membership For The Summer

Once I get a gym membership, I’ll start working out for the summer. The reason I didn’t specifically write “start working out” is that I automatically work out more when I have a gym membership that is paid for. (I don’t like wasting money) When I have access to a gym, I always use it and I’m cleared to lift weights again, so I’m excited about taking workout classes again. My current plan is to take a workout class before my internship every morning. The first step to that is to sign up for the gym. I’m so ready to start exercising again. I miss it.

//Finish 5 Books

I barely read the first two weeks of June, but I’m sure I can finish five books by the end of the month. I’m still on track to finish 100 books by the end of this year.

//May Recap//

//Moved Out Of My Dorm

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Officially moved out

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The beginning of the month was stressful. I had many papers to write for finals and I had to move out of my dorm early because of my trip to Europe. I wasn’t super sad to be leaving, but I know I’m going to miss it.

//I Went To Europe

The elephant in the room, folks! You know this already and there is more information to come. In May, I visited London, Paris, the Swiss Alps, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Verona, Vatican City, Venice, Slovenia, Croatia, Budapest, Poland, Prague, Berlin, and Copenhagen. I traveled through a few other European cities at the beginning of June, but I won’t include it in this recap. The entire trip was insanely fun and exhausting. It was completely worth my money and time. I’ll never forget it.

This is the latest I’ve ever posted a monthly goals post, but it’s never too late to get your life together. There’s nothing magical about the first of every month. Until next time!

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What were your goals for this month? What are your plans for the summer?

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