What The Last Year Of College Is Like | 1 Month Into Senior Year Update

Hello, lovelies! I am officially one month into my final year of college. You all know the drill. I’ve been writing reflections like this for three-and-a-half years, so let’s get into it.

Previous Installments:

//It Hasn’t Exactly Been A Normal Month

It really hasn’t. As I’ve mentioned many times recently, my mom went to Bangladesh for three weeks in August, so I had to drive back and forth to Atlanta every day to help take care of my younger brother (who has autism). A blog post about that is coming this Friday. I’ve already written most of it, but needless to say, August was incredibly hectic. The driving didn’t really help my social life or productivity level, so I’m still trying to get back into the swing of things. Last week was the only “regular” week I’ve had this school year since my mom came back on Labor Day weekend.

Here’s a general recap of the first three weeks of school because I’m sure I’ll want to look back and read this someday. I would drive to school on Monday morning, go to class, then drive back home in the afternoon. I would drive back to school on Tuesday morning and stay on campus that day. After class on Wednesdays, I’d drive back to Atlanta then come back to campus on Thursday morning. I’d spend the night in my dorm on Thursdays before heading back home after class on Friday.

Things are back to normal now, and I don’t know what to do with all this time on my hands. It’s probably why I’ve been blogging so much more. Anyway, the first leg of my senior year was pretty unconventional, but my entire life is like that anyway.

//I Took A Stupid Amount Of Classes

I’ve taken the max amount of credit hours multiple times before, but it was nothing like this. I’m taking five 3-credit-hour classes and two 1-credit-hour classes, which normally would be nothing, but both 1-credit-hour classes are three hours per week, so I’m basically taking 21 credit hours instead of 17. It’s been okay so far, but I spend a lot of time running around on campus Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I met with my advisor last week, which is unprecedentedly early because I’ve historically waited until the last possible minute in years past, but I wanted to make sure I had everything I needed to graduate. I only have two classes left. All those years of being stupidly paranoid and ambitious led to me having nothing left to do. It makes me think about how easy it would have been to graduate early if I wanted to, but I’m glad I didn’t. I’m already planning on doing an internship next semester and applying to jobs during all my free time.

//My Dorm Room Is A Mess

Mainly because I haven’t been here much these last few weeks, but I need to get my life together. There was this one day a few weeks ago where I didn’t have any pajamas in my dorm room. When I drove back and forth every day, I would take laundry and would never bring anything back because I was never here, but it got to the point where I barely had any clothes in my closet. I mentioned this in another blog post, but I got a really bad paper cut one day and didn’t have any bandaids in my room. I was pretty much living out of a toiletry bag again like I was in Europe. Anyway, I need to get my life together because my room is a hot mess. I also want to finish decorating everything because then it would finally feel like home.

Also, funny story, there was a short circuit or something in my room last week and my microwave started smoking. There wasn’t any aluminum or anything inside. It just started smoking and the fire alarm went off, so they had to evacuate the entire first floor. My room doesn’t smell like smoke anymore, thankfully, but it was kind of funny since my roommate last year started a fire on Halloween. I guess she passed the torch down to me.

//Blogging & Work

I started working again two weeks ago, which is great because I really missed having an income. I’ve also been writing significantly more. I wrote four posts in the first week of September and am getting ahead on blog posts for the rest of the month. It’s great having a flow again when it comes to blogging. September is actually the busiest month of the semester for me, which is strange since school just started, but I’m happy to get some projects over with now. I’ve also been getting ahead on a lot of my assignments, which will hopefully ease my workload.

I don’t put enough pictures in my blog posts. Here’s a photo from this morning while I was studying for an exam.

//Social Life

I don’t really have much of a social life. I go home every weekend to work, so I can’t go to most parties, plus I wasn’t on campus much, to begin with. I also don’t really have a large group of college friends. I feel like we’re all preached that the friends that actually stay in our lives will be our friends from college, but I’m not so sure about that. Part of the reason I don’t have a group of girlfriends in college is that I transferred universities and I didn’t live on campus until last year. Most people meet their college friends out of convenience their first year because they’re all crammed together in Freshman dorms and they have to lean on each other to survive.

I also think it’s because I went into college with a solid group of close girlfriends, so it was easier to keep up my relationships with them (especially since I commuted my first two years). Anyway, I do have friends at my current university and I do hang out with them, but it’s not like the college vlogs where you’re with your friends all-day cooking food and “studying” together. (I honestly wouldn’t get anything done)

//Thoughts On Graduating

It feels very surreal. I’ve already turned in all the paperwork to graduate in May, but it feels both very far away and very close. My brain is already in full-on planning mode for next year in terms of applying for jobs and taking the GRE. An amazing opportunity also fell into my lap recently, and I would be crazy not to take it, but I’m kind of scared. It all came together so fast and I genuinely don’t know if I have the time. I’ve also been mulling over all the “what if’s” about post-grad life like “what if I can’t get a job after college?” or “how the hell do I even apply to a job?” My brain has been in a merry-go-round of what I’m going to do a year from now, three months from now, and the presentation I have tomorrow that’s worth 45% of my grade. (Why am I blogging right now?)

Anyway, I guess I’ll just end this here. I’ve already made plans with my friend for later this week, so I’m not completely wasting my final year of college. My senior year is a vast ocean of opportunities and to-do lists, so it should be fun. (You’ll definitely read about it.)

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What has your first month of college been like so far? What are you most excited about for the rest of the year?

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