A Day In The Life Of A College Senior

Hello, lovelies! We’ve reached that point of the year where I write about a day in my life in college. I can’t believe we’ve actually reached this point and that my college life is almost over. I still have four months left, so I’m not too sad about it yet. Anyway, this post chronicles a typical day in my life last semester, so this isn’t my current schedule. I decided to discuss my Thursday routine since it was usually the busiest day of my week.

Previous Installments

8:00 // Get Out Of Bed

My phone’s alarm usually went off at 7:30 AM. I don’t like getting out of bed immediately after waking up, so I would lay and stretch in bed until my alarm clock went off at eight. My roommate had left for class by then, so I’d have the room to myself. I did my typical morning routine. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, got dressed, etc. If I felt like it, I’d eat a banana for breakfast in my room, but I generally don’t have an appetite first thing in the morning.

RelatedMy College Morning Routine | Dorm Edition

8:45 AM // Get On Bus

I’d get on the bus a lot earlier than my class started because I don’t live on the main campus and it took two buses to get to the gym. I didn’t want to risk being late. I just read a book and ate my banana and smoothie for breakfast. Sometimes, I’d call my mom to tell her good morning.

9:30-10:40 AM // P.E.

I completed my P.E. credit last semester. It was only a ten-week course, so I didn’t have it the latter third of the semester. The class was really fun. It was dance-based, so we’d learn a new dance every week. This made working out four days a week a lot easier since two of those workouts were already built into my class schedule.

11:00-12:15 PM // Seminar In Psychology

After class, I would run to catch the bus to my next class on the other side of campus, which was a Psychology Seminar. Basically, every week, we’d be graded on our discussion about the five articles we’d have to read each week. We also had to do a presentation that was worth 45% of our grade. I’m glad I was assigned week 3 because I got to get it over with early on. The other 45% was our weekly participation in discussions and 10% was a paper, so a lot rode on me actually doing the readings.

12:30 PM – 1:45 PM // Women’s Glee Club Rehearsal

After that class, I would walk to the music building for rehearsal. I was in a class called Women’s Glee Club to fill my experiential learning requirement. My internship didn’t count since I didn’t get it through my university. That was kind of annoying, but I’m so glad that my advisor recommended this class to me because it was very fun. (So much so that I joined again this semester) I was super nervous in the beginning and insecure about my voice since it was a class full of music majors but I ended up getting over that and my basically nonexistent music reading skills.

1:45 – 3:30 PM // Lunch + Break

After three back-to-back classes, I finally got a break for lunch. I wasn’t super hungry by then since I usually had a snack in between classes, but I was still hungry. Normally, I packed lunch in the morning and ate on campus before changing out of my gym clothes (When I didn’t have time to in between classes, which was often), but near the end of the semester, I’d take the bus back to my dorm room to eat lunch and relax in my room before my last class. I would finish most of my homework and study on Mondays and Wednesdays so that I wouldn’t have to worry about coursework on busier days like Thursday.

3:30 PM – 4:45 PM // Psychology of Harry Potter

After chilling on campus for about two hours, I’d head to my last class: The Psychology of Harry Potter. Believe it or not, I took this class on accident. I signed up for a required credit called Special Topics In Psychology, and it just so happened that last semester’s topic was Harry Potter. (Luckiest accident ever!) It was basically a simpler Developmental Psychology course framed by Harry Potter, and since I had already taken Developmental Psychology, the class was pretty easy. I had so much fun taking it. We were all organized by our houses and it was great being surrounded by so many other nerds and watching clips from the movies in class.

4:45 PM // Head Back To Dorm & Rest

I’d read on the bus on the way back to my dorm, then take a shower if I hadn’t already during my break. I’d video-call my family to chat then would rest for an hour. I usually ate a big snack since I have a tendency to eat dinner later at night.

6:00 PM // Study

At this time, I’d get any studying or homework done that I hadn’t finished the night before. I didn’t normally have much left to do since I’d get the most important homework done on Wednesday. Anything else was able to be pushed to another day.

RelatedMy Weekly College Studying Routine

7:00 PM // Club Meeting Or Hang Out With A Friend

I had a club meeting every Thursday during the week then afterward, I would usually spend time with a friend. Sometimes I would skip the club meeting entirely to go to some random social event with friends. It was fun, but I didn’t overdo it like I did Junior year (Overdoing meaning talking with my best friend at her apartment till 2 AM on a Tuesday night. Not the typical college overdoing you hear about.)

9:30 PM // Dinner & T.V.

I’d usually get back to my dorm between 9 and 10. I’d make myself dinner and talk with my roommate for a bit till she went to sleep (at around 10:30). Then I would turn on my lamp, and watch a show or movie on my laptop while eating dessert (It was usually the new episode of Grey’s Anatomy) before getting ready to sleep.

11:30 PM // Go To Sleep

The perk of having a roommate that would go to sleep early was that it made me go to bed earlier too. It just naturally started happening since we’d turn the overhead lights off at 10:30. After finishing the show or movie I was watching, I’d change into my pajamas, brush my teeth, and take off my contacts. My to-do lists for Fridays pretty much entailed driving back to Atlanta, so I didn’t have to fill much into my planner. I’d pack up my bag, then read in bed on my Kindle till I fell asleep.

RelatedMy College Evening Routine | Commuter Edition

Well, that’s it for now. That’s pretty much what a typical Thursday was like for me last semester. On a different note, I am starting to get so ahead on February’s blog posts. Today is Wednesday, February 5th, and it’s the third blog post I’ve scheduled this week. I may be able to pull of scheduling the first five posts of this month by Friday, which is unprecedented.

I’m probably jinxing myself by writing this. This week is pretty empty for me in terms of school work, so doing this now will help me a lot when it comes to my job application process and classwork since I won’t have posting on this blog (something I LOVE doing, don’t get me wrong) on my mind. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep this up, since five blog posts in five days would be a lot for anyone.

Previous Installments


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